Vulcano Red Clover

Vulcano Red Clover

High capacity for generating stolons. Very high perenniality, over 3 years.   Seeding rate – Dairy systems or fattening wintering. Recommendations for use – In rows at 17.5 cm. Target 100-150 plants/m2 depending on the environment. 3 to 5Kg/ha....
Vicia Villosa Nitromax

Vicia Villosa Nitromax

Definition Very good in all types of soil texture and chemical fertility. Winter hardiness and high drought tolerance. Waterlogging sensitive. Characteristics National genetic improvement. Good establishment speed and winter hardiness. Prostrate habit when young,...
Jack Ryegrass

Jack Ryegrass

Diploid italic rye grass with intermediate to fine tillers and leaves with very good plant health behavior. It has an intermediate to late cycle and stands out for its rapid initial production. It extends its production into late spring. Due to its italic...
Bolt Ryegrass

Bolt Ryegrass

Diploid annual rye grass with early production due to its high tillering rate when young. It has an early-intermediate cycle, producing earlier than other cycles. It shows very good adaptability to lower quality soils and temporary stress situations.   Seeding...
Bill Max Ryegrass

Bill Max Ryegrass

The curing technology in Bill Max rye grass allows several objectives to be met. It improves establishment efficiency and increases seedling resistance to insect attack.It allows the first grazing to be brought forward due to the increase in initial vigor and the...